Ladies Stories

Ladies Stories

Why would women take up golf? Well, for the same reasons as men really, it’s good exercise in fresh air. Golf is sociable and you can play with people of different abilities due to the unique handicap system.

Women are still in the minority when it comes to players and golf club members so we asked our Lady players how and why they got into golf.  These are a few of their stories:

Story 1: If you can’t beat them, join them

I took up golf not long after FHGC opened, the children were more or less ‘off my hands’ and my husband was already playing before being a founder member when Forest Hills opened.

I decided to give it a go rather than just be left at home and do nothing.  I originally had lessons to get going and then just practised and played on Saturdays only, as I was still working then.  I’ve been playing ever since.

The social side is also good and we have a couple of golfing holidays most years.  I also eventually joined the Ladies committee which certainly helped in understanding just what goes on behind the scenes.

A lot of ladies take up golf because their partner plays. Couples can play all around the world – you know the rules will be the same. Mixed golf is friendly and popular.

Story 2: An interest of my own

I promised myself I would take up golf when I retired. My husband had always been a keen sportsman but golf was not his forte, so it gave me a separate interest.

Much to my family’s amazement I did it. I’d always fancied the Lady Captains’ car park space before I started playing and I achieved that too!

If you join in group lessons, you meet a whole section of people who are just starting out as well, so you can hit some duff shots together and learn as you go.

Story 3: Golf ticks all the boxes

 My introduction to golf began when I took up the offer of free lessons through the WI in 2012. It was part of an initiative to encourage women to “Get into Golf”. I had recently retired from teaching and been widowed so I needed new opportunities to meet people and get out of the house. Forest Hills was the venue for lessons under the guidance of a wonderful Professional who got us started. On the first day we were lent clubs and the second week, we were given a 7 iron to keep! It was so much fun and then we would retreat to the lounge for coffee. Friendships soon developed and we even entered a competition organised by the county with the other “beginner groups”. I was hooked.

 A year later, I became a club member and began joining in with some of the ladies who could play properly and knew all the rules. I got my handicap and 4 years later, I’m still playing.

 I’ve made some good friends and love being out on the course trying to improve my game. It’s also great exercise.

Fresh air, exercise and good company – some of things we are told release ‘endorphins’ and make us happy. Golf definitely ticks those boxes

Story 4: Hangover Cure

In my 20’s I was young, free and single and took an adult education class in golf at a local driving range. The group classes were so much fun we kept signing up until our instructor told us to go and play on a real golf course! My friend had taken classes as well so we played on weekend mornings noting that a Paracetamol and the 1st 5 holes of golf are all that is needed to get rid of the previous nights’ hangover!

I’m not very sporty, have never played in a team but due to the golf handicap system I can play against players of all abilities and only need hit the occasional good shot to stay hooked on the game.

Well, we wouldn’t necessarily advocate drugs and golf as a hangover cure, but golf is enjoyed by people of all ages.

Story 5: Impulse purchase

Recently a lady taking lessons told Sue how she was taking up golf because she had, on impulse bought a set of golf clubs at a community centre jumble sale and felt she ought to use them!

Story 6: If you have to skills you need to use them.

Another lady player used to go ball spotting with her husband when he played golf, as she was very good at seeing where the ball landed. Eventually she thought she ought  to play as well.

So our stories give a tiny insight into what makes women take up Golf, we can see its a sociable sport that you can learn at any age and keep playing.

If you’d like to send us your story, do email us and if you would like to find out if golf might be your cup of tea, visit our website or your local golf club or adult education centre and join a group class.
